Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Adolphus Hotel, a Dallas classic

 For those of you who don't know I have been mildly crazy about this hotel since moving to Dallas 4 years ago to start graduate school.  Brett Colby and I were walking downtown one afternoon and I saw this hotel and said " wow look how pretty that is" around that time a bride all dressed in white walked out from the tall glass doors and I thought to myself  how neat it would be to be married there.  A few years later, I was placed at a practicum site that was actually attached to the hotel.  On a particularly bad day ( after seeing a very difficult client) I decided to take a walk, I ended up at the Adolphus hotel.. sitting in the lobby.  I think I must have sat there for almost an hour, thinking and crying.  I kept thinking if I had what it took to finish graduate school, will I be an effective psychologist etc..  Right about when I was a complete mess and little old women walked up to me.  She was the vision of an older Dallas women.  Adorned in pearls and big texas hair.  She sat down next to me and asked if I was okay.  I told her I was, just had a bad day.  She told me she had married her husband 30 years ago in this hotel.  She beamed up when telling me their love story.  She said "there will be good days and bad, and in the end all there is is LOVE."  A few minutes later, her husband came down, took her by the hand and off they went.  I remember praying in that moment that I would always have a love like that, one that stood the test of time!
So there ya go, thats why I love this hotel.. classic, traditional, lovely. Now for all you history buffs here is more information on this fabulous place where I will become Mrs. Stephens!
This baroque masterpiece has been a legend among America's historic hotels since 1912, when Missouri beer baron Adolphus Busch was approached by city founders to erect a luxury palace worthy of the Lone Star State and one of his most lucrative markets. Fame, fortune, and flamboyance came together in 21 stories of unabashed beaux arts splendor that critics have called “the most beautiful building west of Venice.” Throughout its history, luminaries such as Babe Ruth, the Vanderbilts, U2, Oscar de la Renta, Donald Trump, and Queen Elizabeth II have chosen The Adolphus as their Dallas pied-a-terre. Add a touch of European charm and sophistication to your own Lone Star visit. You will feel right at home at The Adolphus, where magnificent architecture, first-class service and a dynamic downtown location set the stage for a truly regal experience.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

some midnight inspiration

I am awake, when I should be studying for one of the biggest tests of my doctoral life.  Go figure. Anyway, all I can think about is wedding stuff. I dream about it, wake up, write down ideas, I basically am eating, thinking, breathing weddings right now!  Those of you who know me know that I have been planning this wedding, rather not secretly, for like 2 years!  My ideas have changed so many times.  I went from wanting an all pink wedding ( even me wearing a pink gown) to a black and white classic theme to now... classic champagne, gold and ivory!  I guess my style has evolved.  I was asked this week to describe our wedding, in a heart beat I said " Oh classic, traditional, with trendy infusion."  Who am I?
Oh I like this too....
I am not sure where my obsession with baby's breath came from.  Hydrangeas have always been my first love, and will for sure be my bridal flowers.  Maybe this too shall pass?  Who knows.. Tonight, at midnight on a sunday before the week of my doctoral comprehensive exams that I must pass.. I like this. Night all, I shall dream of ways to make lovely baby's breath centerpieces.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow days= wedding planning!!

We have a meeting with our first venue Feb 15th.  I have dreamed about having my reception at this hotel since I moved to Dallas four years ago!  I wish we didn't have to wait two weeks for an appointment but I am going out of the country tomorrow for a week with my mom and sisters!  Ready for some sunshine.. Dallas has seen record lows this week, 5 snow days in a row!!  Brett and I were up late last night watching movies and at 4am we noticed it had snowed more than we thought outside.  So naturally, we went out side to play in it!!  I have enjoyed this week being snowed in with him.  It's nice sometimes to just shut the world out.  We enjoyed good conversation and of course some wedding planning.  He told me last night he likes it when I start doing "wedding stuff" because that means he can do "baseball card stuff."  Did I mention he has an obsession with everything baseball?  Yep that's my man!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

things I like and don't...

I like..
- white and gold, its classic and traditional
-traditional vows, the words my parents said to eachother 30 years ago still ring true
-big dresses, think Sex in the city!
-designer shoes, need I say more?
-french inspirations
-classic, timeless styles
- lace on invitations

I don't like...
-kids screaming during the ceremony
-animals as part of wedding party, trust me I love my dog more than most and Im still not a fan!
-white table cloths yucky.
-fake flowers
-pick ups on wedding gowns
-cheap fabric
-matchy matchy hair for bridesmaids 
-hearts all over the place 

welcome to our wedding blog

I, the bride, am not much of a blogger.  As a doctoral student the last thing I really want to do is to write when I am done writing for the day. However, it's really important to me to be able to look back on the whole wedding planning experience and be able to remember all the small details during this planning process.  When I was little I would spend hours writing in my pretty pink journals about my days. I want to be able to savor these next few months of wedding planning and have something to look back on. Some of the best advice I have been given from my married friends is to cherish every moment because it goes by so fast.. so my hope is that this blog will help me do that and give me a journal to always look back on!

The bride
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